Sunday, November 20, 2016

While reading several different publications this week I came across the following article located on Steve Tobak published these 5 things he feels one must do in order to be a successful entrepreneur. Some of the things listed seem to be common sense, while others deals with the way a person functions everyday. One thing I tell my peers and employees on a regular basis is "common sense is sometimes not so common". The reason for this lack of common sense can be debated and I have my own thoughts, but I will save those for another time. One thing is for sure, in order to start from the bottom and build a business I truly believe one must understand that there will be sacrifices and you must be willing to work harder, smarter, and be a leader. True leaders will earn the respect of their employees and in return be respected. The following article can be found at:

In Real Leaders Don't Follow, author Steve Tobak explains how real entrepreneurs can start, build, and run successful companies in highly competitive global markets. He provides unique insights from an insider perspective to help you make better-informed business and leadership decisions. In this edited excerpt, Tobak describes the five critical skills you need to make your business a success.
The business world is changing, and that means we need to adapt. But we don’t just want to react to a changing world; we want to shape it and be out in front, leading the pack. Here are five competencies you'll need to develop if you want to adapt, thrive, and distinguish yourself in this new world.

1. Critical thinking.

When you question assumptions, claims, and viewpoints instead of just accepting them as gospel, as in “A Harvard professor said it online, so it must be true,” that’s called critical thinking. It’s fundamental to smart decision making. And that, in turn, is key to being successful at just about anything.
Lately, however, it seems that people have forgotten how to think logically. As continuously bombarded as we are with content and sound bites, our ability to question what’s real and what isn’t, to reason logically and not generalize from a single data point, to understand causal relationships, is more critical today than ever before.
So question everything, especially common doctrine. Listen to those who challenge your own and popularly held beliefs. Resist the pressure to view things in black and white or “us vs. them” terms. Learn to see the world in shades of gray and from different angles, viewpoints, and perspectives.

2. Focus and discipline.

We passed the point of information and communication overload long ago. Even highly focused overachievers who should know better sit down to work only to find that, a few tweets, texts, and emails later, half the day is gone and all the work remains.
Focus and discipline have always been critical to success in just about any field, but these days, managing distraction has become harder for even the most disciplined among us. And that’s not likely to change any time soon.
Now, more than ever, you have to learn how to shut out the noise without shutting yourself off from what really matters. That's not easy. But if you’re too distracted and undisciplined to focus on what’s critical, you can’t get things done. And if you can’t get things done, somebody else will.

3. Being human.

In a very real sense, we are becoming virtual images of our real-world selves. That would be fine if those personas replicated the real us. Instead, they’re carefully constructed avatars that reflect social norms, popular themes, and wishful thinking. The information we share is filtered. More and more we behave like sound bites personified—virtual actors portraying cardboard characters in a two-dimensional digital world.
But successful businesses are built on real communication and real relationships. Running a business is about motivating investors to provide capital, customers to buy products, and employees to work their tails off for you. Every business transaction ultimately has a human being at both ends.
In a world of indistinguishable online lemmings, those who strive to remain unique individuals will have a big advantage. Instead of hiding behind your social media avatar and personal brand, have the courage to be your genuine self. Forget your social network and build relationships in the real world. Listen to what people have to say and trust your instincts. That’s the only way to genuinely relate, make connections, and understand people. Be human.

4. Getting things done.

The idea that successful business leaders are typically driven by high ideals and lofty aspirations is a myth. None of the highly accomplished executives I’ve known got where they are by walking around with their heads in the clouds. They got there by putting one foot in front of the other and getting the job done.
Successful entrepreneurs have the ability to focus and motivate people to work together toward a common goal. They have a strong sense of personal responsibility, accountability, and work ethic. They're born troubleshooters and problem solvers. And adversity, obstacles, and risks don't deter them—on the contrary, they energize them.
They also know what their goals and priorities are—they know what they want to get done, and that’s exactly what they do. They deliver the goods, get the job done, and satisfy the needs of their stakeholders, no matter what.
Recently a reader scoffed at one of my columns on what it really takes for startups to be successful. He said ideas are all you need. The problem, of course, is that everyone has ideas. What we really need are people of action who are driven to make things happen and get the job done. That’s a competency that will be in greater demand as time goes on.

5. Competitive spirit.

Ecommerce and the rise of the global economy have opened the business world’s competitive floodgates. New competitors are arising on every front as technology lowers the barriers to entry and more and more companies cross over into each other’s lanes. Meanwhile, we’re de-emphasizing competitive spirit and individual achievement in our schools. As we level the playing field, the motivation to compete and win is being bred out of society. We’re beginning to see competition as a bad thing.
That’s creating an interesting dichotomy, a competition gap, if you will. Clearly, the situation presents both challenge and opportunity. On the one hand, the competition is brutal. It’s rough out there. On the other hand, if you’re highly driven to compete and win, you’ve got a leg up on most of the young people entering the workforce. And that gap is only going to widen over time.
Markets are essentially zero-sum games, meaning market share is somewhat constrained. And while markets are elastic—they grow over time—at a macro level, at a micro level, every business transaction generally has one winner and multiple losers. Only one business wins the contract. Just one company is selected to provide the necessary service. In a very real sense, you're always competing in the real world.
But that doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing.
One product, company, or candidate beating out another on their merits is an honorable thing. It’s no disgrace to lose, either. That’s how we learn to improve and do better next time. Competition is how new technologies replace old ones, how startup companies become corporate giants, and how good performers become great ones.
The point is, many if not most great companies are founded and led by fierce competitors. Google aggressively pursued Apple into the smartphone business. Uber’s Travis Kalanick takes a lot of heat for his competitiveness, but in just five years, he’s built a company that’s now valued at $41 billion. .
Competitive spirit, the relentless drive to win, is a critical success factor that will only increase in value as the competition gap grows. You can learn to adapt and develop these abilities through experience. And that, in turn, will give you a long-term competitive advantage in a changing world.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Social media, blogs, and how-to sites are a great way to market your business, product, or service. People have become addicted to websites like,,, and many other how-to websites. If you can provide information and videos on one of these sites about a product or service you provide the benefits could be endless. As people view these sites they will "like" and "share" and this will put your information in front of all of that persons friends. If you sell a part or service, how-to videos will generate many views because people will look to you for information on repairing or replacing. If you already have the video explaining in detain how to build, repair, or replace there is a much greater possibility the customer will buy from you. Some examples of companies that use these type videos include:!

Sunday, November 6, 2016

The 10th and final tip listed by successful entrepreneurs deals with marketing with free gifts. 

The gift can be a product the entrepreneur sells, produces, or a product marked with information such as website, logo, or phone number. As we enter  November and December these are the best times to market your product or company with a small gift of appreciation. The following article goes into detail about using gifts to reinforce and build relationships with clients or possible clients. 

Whether it's the holiday season or any other time of year, the purpose of giving gifts to clients, business partners or customers is always the same. In short, gifts serve as both a thank-you (showing recipients that you truly appreciate and value them) and a brand-building tool. But with the sheer volume of gifts and promotional items that people receive from businesses increasing every year, how do you cut through the tchotchke clutter and choose a memorable gift that gets you noticed and reinforces your relationship?
Here are five ways you can reinforce your marketing messages with gifts and show the recipients that they are important to you in more ways than just a sale:
1. Useful
The gifts you give should be useful. Don't just add to the pile of company pens that get lost in the back of your clients' desk drawers. Instead, choose gift items that your clients will actually use ... frequently. If your client works in dark or cramped spaces he'll probably appreciate a high quality flashlight over those mouse pads you passed around last year. Don't be afraid to contact a promotional items company and ask for help in selecting gifts. They're knowledgeable in new and popular items and can steer you in the right direction.
2. Meaningful
Choose a gift that will appeal to an aspect of the recipient's life that you know about through your relationship-building efforts. For example, if you know your client spends a lot of time coaching his daughter's soccer team, select a gift that he can use on the field. This type of specialized attention can go a lot further than a logo-imprinted ruler.
3. Helpful
Everyone likes to receive gifts that can help them make their lives or jobs easier. Why not give a business book or informational material related to your client's field? Imagine a client's reaction to receiving a book about effective DIY marketing options, especially coming from a marketing firm! That sort of selfless honesty is sure to bring your business some appreciation and make a lasting impression.
4. Social
Gifts don't have to be tangible items to help you communicate your marketing messages. Sometimes a social gift works quite nicely. For example, if your client likes sports, give him tickets to a popular sporting event. Take him to dinner before the event, and while you certainly can talk a bit of business, even if you don't you're still building your relationship. You can even take this gift idea a step further by inviting spouses or guests to join you so you can delve even further into your relationship by getting to know the important people in your client's lives. In one fell swoop you've given your client a great gift and given yourself a networking opportunity.
5. Fun
Sometimes it works to give gifts that are just plain entertaining. Sharing a laugh goes a long way to solidifying a relationship and keeping you in the other person's mind. Stay tasteful and professional, but don't be afraid to have a bit of fun.
No matter what gifts you give to communicate your marketing messages and generate future recall among your clients, business partners and customers, remember that a gift that helps you further your relationship with the recipient is the most powerful choice. If the gift you're considering giving to your client isn't useful, meaningful, helpful, social or fun, then you might want to reconsider.

This article is written by Susan Gunelius
 Published at